In this quick tutorial, I’m going to show you 5 ways to improve your Cineware workflows in After Effects and Cinema 4D!

You Will Learn:

• Baking complex camera moves
• Mixing C4D with continually rasterized layers
• Having After Effects recognize your C4D Background Objects
• Ways to Quickly Edit your Cineware Layers w/o Precomping
• 2 Node vs 1 Node After Effects Camera Workflows

New to 3D? Watch my FREE Cinema 4D Lite for the 2D Animator series

Watch my Cinema 4D Dynamics Tutorial Series Playlist on Youtube

If you have any questions about anything in this tutorial, post them in the comments section!  If you have any idea for future tutorials, be sure to share it with me TwitterInstagram, Facebook, or in the Comments!  Thanks for watching!
